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Temperature-dependent sex determination
at constant temperature
Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is a type of environmental
sex determination in which the temperatures experienced during embryonic
development determine the sex of the offspring. It is present in all crocodilians,
many turtles and squamates.
The embryogrowth R package is a set of tools used
to model embryo growth and sexual phenotype linked to
This web server version v. 4.1 is a simplified version of the complete tools available
Embryogrowth package 9.5.2 is developped by
Marc Girondot
Database version 2024-05-14
The methods have been published in:
Girondot, M. 1999 Statistical description of temperature-dependent
sex determination using maximum likelihood. Evolutionary Ecology Research
1, 479-486.
Godfrey, M.H., Delmas, V. & Girondot, M. 2003 Assessment of
patterns of temperature-dependent sex determination using maximum likelihood
model selection. Ecoscience 10, 265-272.
Hulin, V., Delmas, V., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M.H. & Guillon, J.-M. 2009
Temperature-dependent sex determination and global change: Are some species at
greater risk? Oecologia 160, 493-506.
Abreu-Grobois FA, Morales-Mérida BA, Hart CE, Guillon J-M, Godfrey MH,
Navarro E, Girondot M: Recent advances on the estimation of the thermal reaction norm
for sex ratios. PeerJ 2020, 8:e8451.
These methods MUST not be used for incubation data at non-constant temperatures, both
for temperature versus sex ratio and incubation duration versus sex ratio.
Synthesis for TSD model
Data used for the fit